Now, all the countries are suffering from economic recession. In USA, the economic condition is very bad. Nearly 6 million people have lost job at the time of this recession. The loss of jobs have made many people worried and many immigrants are now being forced to come back on their country because life is getting very tough in America and Europe. There no better news in Britain either. British economy has actually shrunk in the last one year and now it is natural that many people will loss job in 2009. Perhaps the same goes for Germany which has been very badly hit because it has export based economy. Talking about export oriented economy; I feel that Japan is the worst hit as major Japanese companies have suffered too much from economic recession. I do not want to make the list bigger or talk about countries like China and Canada. You all know what is happening to them. I am going to present a business idea here for some big companies who can afford to invest a lot of money.
If you look at online form of payment, the most popular is perhaps Paypal. Paypal has become the industry standard for online payment processing. Millions of people are using it more than 100 countries. It is very successful and very popular among the consumers and traders equally. They all feel that this is a solution that has brought a lot of comfort for them. There are some other alternatives or competitors to Paypal but none of them could achieve this amount of success. I am really looking forward to Google checkout in this regard but still Paypal is the leader and it is ruling the industry.
You may wonder that it is a time of crisis and time may be not good for new business ideas. I just feel the opposite because in the time of crisis you have to come out with something new to come out of the crisis. What I understand is that Paypal is not available in many countries in the world. Take an example is my own country Bangladesh. Bangladesh has a population more than 140 million people. It is not that most people are using internet. In fact, what I understand is that only a few million people have access to internet. You may wonder whether it is a big market or not but remember that even one million population or consumer is a sizeable market. There are some other countries too with sizeable economy but are not within the rudder of Paypal. I do not understand the reason why Paypal is not eager to come to Bangladesh or whether it is Bangladesh central bank or government which is not eager to invite companies like Paypal. Here, we have some credit card facilities, internally. Now, it is possible to even get international credit card. So, the scope has been created and there is scope. However, it is yet a mystery for me that why Paypal is not here. I am not talking only about my country as I earlier mentioned that there are some other countries too and you want to know which other countries that are not covered by Paypal at this moment then you should go their official website by visiting this link.
You see that there is a sizeable market and the size of consumers’ even in the most conservative estimate should be more than hundred million. This is a big market for any company and if it can be used properly then it can be a very good business for a company. However, I do not want a new start up to try to address this market because it needs some special effort that can be managed mainly be an established and large company like Google or yahoo or in their rank. Even it can be a telecom company like Nokia who has vibrant presence in almost all the countries of the world.
Any way, my idea is that the company that wants to take advantage from this business opportunity first do your market research and hire some consultants to study the existing infrastructure, and legal frame work of those countries that are not covered by the eBay. They should talk to the government and try to come into some kind of deal. If they feel that they need to have an exclusive deal or some kind of monopoly because they are going to invest a lot of money then they should also try this way too. What is important is that they talk to the government officials and try to convince some of the countries and I am sure that if they try then some of the countries will be very happy to join the band wagon because Paypal is not too much keen to expand their operation in those countries at this moment. If it really can get a market size of 10 million then they should start it. Or in other terms, if they can approval of government of 10 or 20 countries then they should start up their operation in a serious way. At first it can not generate a lot of profit. However, what I understand is that even it can charge it some hire yet they will be able to get some money.