Friday, November 28, 2008

Japan Heading to Deeper Recession?

I didn’t get surprised or shocked to see more and more recession use this case because the whole world is suffering and it is something that we all have to face and we all have to deal together. In fact, sometimes I feel that it will be tough recession for rich countries compare to the people of the poor countries. After all, we have from the parts were countries have been habituated to unemployment and poverty and other problems. In fact, these things are a part of our everyday life and they do not make us afraid that much anymore. We have already experienced the oldest and what is there more to have. Think of the Japanese people. Their seats and they can afford all kind of luxuries. They have high taste and high purchasing capacity and is in a company like Nokia cannot do well in the Japanese market because most people in Japan are fond of very expensive mobile phone sets.

So, I feel that the recession time for Japanese people will be really very hard to deal with and I just hope that it does not create social instability in the country. One good thing of the people of Japanese that their very disciplined and they’re also very focused. However, the last time they really suffered a tough economic recession and bad condition happened many years ago.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Borders Group is giving discount on best sellers on Black Friday

Members of Michigan Retailers Association are going to give 50% or more discounts. reports:

…members say they are expecting a 1% decline in holiday sales compared with last year. Many are already discounting 50% or more and 45% of them have added lower-price items to appeal to cash-strapped consumers.

Ann Arbor-based Borders Group, Inc. (NYSE:BGP) started to send special savings coupons to its 30 million loyalty program members. This will go on through the current holiday season. This gave them a two-day jump on Black Friday deals. Members will get:

50% off on selected bestsellers.

50% off on Blu-Ray disks.

The deals also include holiday wrap, digital photo frames, DVD box sets and CDs.

On October 6, 2008, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) started its holiday season sales promotion. You will get toys in $10 on Black Friday. Kids coats would cost $4 and Garmin GPS for $97.

Arundel Mills Mall in Hanover will open at midnight on Black Friday. It will offer $2500 worth of gift cards every half hour throughout the evening.

Queenstown based Prime Outlets will open up at 12 a.m. and host a “pajama party.” The first 500 shoppers who will visit guest services wearing pajamas will receive a free goodie bag filled with Jockey brad pajamas and other prizes.

Baltimore based Ruth’s Chris Steak House, a famous restaurant chain,

gave out its Black Friday deal. Diners on Black Friday and Saturday will receive one free petit filet or New York strip steak for purchasing another entrĂ©e in Ruth’s Chris Steak House situated in Annapolis, Baltimore and Pikesville.

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Baltimore Business Journal

eBay is offering “$1 Holiday Doorbusters” on Black Friday

On November 25, 2008, J.C. Penney Company, Inc. (NYSE:JCP) announced that it is going to give the most compelling Black Friday prices ever offered in the company’s history. More than 400 products will be given on deep discounts.

According to Marshal Cohen, Chief Retail Analyst, The NPD Group, Inc., retailers would have to give shoppers the products they want at any price. In his 33 years of service in the retail sector for the first time, he is seeing that shoppers would enjoy 75% off on Black Friday and the week after that.

Online sellers have also become active as they know that some shoppers are going to shop online for better price and free shipping offers. On November 24, 2008, eBay Inc. (NASDAQ:EBAY) introduced “$1 Holiday Doorbusters.” Company officials said that 100 gift items including digital cameras and GPS devices, one luxury item, including a brand-new Chevrolet Corvette, will be listed each day until December 8, 2008 for $1 fixed price.

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Wal-Mart stores Inc. will offer the best deals on Black Friday 2008

Some of the best Thanksgiving and Black Friday deals are offered on big flat screen televisions. Wal-Mart Inc. (WMT), Best Buy Co., Inc.(NYSE:BBY) will have 50 inch plasma television 40% cheaper compared to the price of 2007.

Macy's, Inc. (NYSE:M) offering deep cuts on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The retailer told its credit-card customers that on Black Friday at 5 a.m. there is going to be lots of morning specials. On November 19, 2008, the stores had “our lowest prices of the season.”

Nordstrom, Inc. (NYSE:JWN) is offering “Ultimate Gift Collection” for web buyers. These gift packages are designed by fashion designer Tory Burch, celebrity photographer Sam Jones and artist Ruben Toledo.

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) is going to be the winner of this Black Friday. It will give away the best deals among the retailers all over USA. It will be giving away biggest discounts this year. Wal-Mart is offering $4 prescriptions which helped the company to grab the market share from Target Corporation (NYSE:TGT). Bentonville, Arkansas based Wal-Mart will give 16-ounce can of Ocean Spray cranberry sauce for 88 cents at early morning on Black Friday. It will also give 42-inch Polaroid flat-panel television for $598 to the early morning shoppers. This is $200 less than the usual price. Sam’s Club, the subsidiary of Wal-Mart, made special agreements with Nintendo Co., Ltd (TYO:7974) to provide additional games accessories with its Wii game player. Sam’s Club will sell the entire package for $425 on Black Friday.

Kohl's Corporation (NYSE:KSS) in Greensboro is offering 30-40% discounts.

On Black Friday, Sears Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ:SHLD) will let customers buy toys, tools and consumer electronics on layaway for the first time in 19 years. Shoppers can buy things on installments.

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Bed, Bath & Beyond Inc. great offer Black Friday 2008

Best Buy Co. Toys “R” US Inc. would open stores at 5 a.m. Out of its total 230 stores around the country, Disney Stores will open up half of them at midnight. Paul Gainer, Vice President and General Manager, Retail operations, Disney store North America, said that compared to last year this is a 5% increase. He said that their main goal is to offer convenience this year. They are going to maximize every opportunity.

Stores at Glendale and Montebello will open up at midnight.

Some stores are not waiting until the Black Friday.San Francisco based Gap Inc. that owns retail subsidiaries like Banana Republic, Old Navy chains, will open up 80 stores on November 27, 2008.

Bed, Bath & Beyond Inc. is offering 20% off from the total bills for shoppers who would come between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.

In Macy’s Inc. customers can get a special savings pass that would get them $10 off a $25 purchase from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Kohl's Corp., will open up at 4 a.m. and offer 300 early bird deals till 1 p.m. on Friday. This includes 40% to 50% off on designer women’s apparel and 50% off the toys.

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Los Angeles Times

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sam's Club is optimistic about Black Friday 2008

Sam’s Club, a subsidiary of the retail giant, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) expresses optimism about the upcoming “Blitz” Friday aka Black Friday. In an interview with Reuters, Doug McMillon, CEO Sam’s Club said: 

"In the past few weeks, people have been waiting for (Black) Friday and the prices that they're going to see between now and Christmas,…We're going to have enough to take care of blitz morning,"

Due to the ongoing financial crisis, people are not so much excited. The 2008 Holiday season will be the worst for retailers in the last two decades. The October retailers report showed a disastrous result for the retailers. Consumers have become frugal. However, Mr. McMillon sees this as an opportunity for higher sales. He said, shoppers who are now coming to their stores are waiting for Black Friday when product prices will go down. On Black Friday, Sam’s Club will open up at 5 a.m. and offer shoppers free breakfast. Mr. McMillon said that the main advantage of Sam’s Club is that it is a big box retailer and comes with a wide range of products. This is why people would come to their stores.

Mr. McMillon predicts that consumer electronics such as digital cameras, camcorders, and Blackberry smartphone are going to be the top favorites among shoppers. If you are still not interested then here is a motivator for you: Sam’s Club is going to offer Wii Fit video game for under $79. 

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Market Watch

Black Friday 2008 or Discount Friday 2008?

Mashed potatos+Turkey = Incomplete Black Friday. So, what more do you need to add in the equation? Yes, Black Friday, the official day to kick start holiday shopping. Over the years, Black Friday has achieved special status among shoppers for getting deep discounts and door buster deals. This year, the retailers are giving more discounts and door buster deals to attract more shoppers. The economic crisis, fuel price rise have made shoppers reconsider and reorganize their shopping plans. Retailers are afraid of poor sales. Los Angeles Times:

This year, however, fewer consumers are in the mood to shop and retailers have been slashing prices for weeks in the hopes of boosting sales. This month alone, luxury retailers Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue have held massive sales, with many items 40% to 70% off, while discounters such as Kmart have offered "early Black Friday" specials on toys and other merchandise.

 side from discounts, retailers are going for early openings; as early as midnight. Walt Disney, KB Toys will open up their stores at 12 a.m. Along with door buster deals, discounts, shoppers will also get perks such as free parking. If you are one of those shoppers who enjoy shopping in stores then Black Friday 2008 is your best time. Wish you all good luck in DEAL HUNTING! 

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Honda Motor Co. Ltd. resets its motorcycle sales targets and future expansion plans

Japan’s second largest automaker, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (TYO: 7267), is expecting a drop in the sales of its two wheelers in 2009. The two wheeler products of Honda Motor Co., which helped the company to survive downturns compared to its rivals like Toyota Motor Corporation (TYO: 7203), observed a 16% increase in sales in the current term. However, the worldwide credit crunch have started to affect sales in developing countries like China, India, Brazil, Thailand, and Indonesia, which are major markets of Honda motor cycles. Tatsuhiro Oyama, Chief Operating Officer, Operations, Honda Motorcycle, said that tighter credits had started to affect buyers in many markets leading to a prediction of dry sale in 2009. Mr. Oyama is saying that if the sales figure remains flat next year, they would be very lucky.

In order to avoid inventory build up, Honda is now following the conventional path; slashing down production and forcing workers to take leave. The company told its Brazil plant workers to take eleven days paid leave between October and December.

In the next two years, Honda is planning to sale 18 million motorcycles. Only a month ago, this sales target would have been dubbed as “conservative.” Honda also postponed its plan to build up a new motorcycle manufacturing plant in Southern Japan with an annual production capacity of half million units. The company has decided to wait till the demand of big bikes in Europe and USA picks up. The plant was supposed to start production in the middle of 2009.

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Microsoft CEO ordered by judge to appear at the court

Microsoft CEO has been ordered by judge to present at the court.Steven Ballmer, Chief Executive officer, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is facing lawsuit over misinforming consumers regarding Windows Vista. Marsha Pechman, U.S. District Judge, did not grant Microsoft’s request to stop consumer lawyers from questioning Ballmer on the ground of a recorded conversation between Ballmer and the top executive of Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) which indicates that Ballmer have first hand knowledge about the case.

Due to the delay in the development of Windows Vista, the latest version of Microsoft’s flagship software, the company advised hardware manufacturers to label their products as “Vista Capable” but the products could not even run the basic Windows Vista let alone the premium edition. Despite knowing about the problem, the company went ahead and started selling Vista in January 2007 and the case was made in March 2007. Judge Marsha Pechman classified the case as a “class-action, or group, lawsuit” in February. On April 13, 2008, Microsoft faced the trial.David Bowermaster, Microsoft spokesperson, forwarded an email which says:

“We will of course comply with the court’s order …Mr. Ballmer’s knowledge about the Windows Vista Capable program comes from the executives he empowered to run the program and make decisions, and two of those executives already testified in this case.”

Marsha Pechman limited Ballmer’s presence in court up to three hours and she ordered that the trial will be conducted within 30 days of her ruling.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

ONGC discovers oil deposits in the Eastern off-shore of Andhra Pradesh

India’s state owned energy company, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited(ONGC) (BOM: 500312), discovered large oil deposits in an eastern offshore acreage in Andhra Pradesh which it received from the government on a nomination basis. The Hindu reports:

"Three hydrocarbon bearing sands have been encountered in the gross interval 3,757 meters to 4,185 meters based on geological data, log evaluation and one mini-Drill Stem Test carried out on September 30 and October 1, 2008. The thickest sand interval (4,1084,185 meters) comprises 55 metres of net oil pay," it said.

The company discovered the deposit at a water depth of 225 meters but it did not mention the quantity of oil reserved. This is the most significant discovery made by the company after its gas discovery in Krishna-Godavari basin in December 2006.

On the other hand, to meet the growing energy demand, ONGC Videsh Ltd, (OVL), the foreign arm of ONGC got clearance from the Russian government to buy British oil company, Imperial Energy Corporation plc (LON:IEC).

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The Hindu

Jet Airways pilots demand removal of expatriate pilots

In a move to cut costs, India’s largest domestic airlines, Jet Airways (India) Limited (BOM: 532617), proposed 20% salary cut of its pilots, engineers and other staff. However, the pilots have not agreed with their proposal and made a counter proposal to the management that it should get rid of all its expatriate pilots. The pilots are saying that they will negotiate after the company removes all its 200 expatriate pilots because they are paid 40%-50% more than domestic pilots. The Hindu reports:

The Society for Welfare of Indian Pilots (SWIP), a pilots body of Jet Airways, is understood to have conveyed to the Jet management that all expat pilots should be removed. "We will not settle for less...all the expat pilots must go (from the airline)," a senior Jet Airways pilot told PTI here today on condition of strict anonymity. "We are ready to co-operate with the company and willing to negotiate on salary cut proposals but the management (of Jet Airways) should first remove the expat pilots," he said.

Wolfgang Proch-Schaeur, Chief Executive Officer, Jet Airways said that that the management had not yet taken any decision on removing expatriate pilots. The pilots demanded that 15% of its expatriate pilots who fly the wide-body aircrafts should be removed.

Aside from pilots, other employees including high level officials who are paid half million Rupees salary per-month will observe a deduction. A five member-team has been formed to implement various cost-cutting measures which will be headed by Jet Airways’ founder Chairman, Naresh Goyal.

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The Hindu


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tata Motors shuts down its Jamshedpur plant

Tata Motors Limited (BOM: 500570), which previously made headlines for its high profile acquisitions, just become another victim of global credit crunch. Recently, the company declared to shutdown its Jamshedpur plant for five days starting from November 25, 2008. This is the second shutdown in this month in order to adjust the production with declining sales orders. Earlier, it was shut down for three days from November 6 to November 8, 2008. However, it was an unofficial five day shut down. Tata Motors even reduced its production targets in October and put 3,000 temporary workers on leave. More than 70% of the companies that are dependent on Tata were affected from this shutdown. Already, its Pune and Lucknow plants are shutdown starting from November 22 to November 27, 2008. The company forced its workers to take leave without pay. Bachcha Singh, spokesperson of Telco Workers Union said:

"We are with the company. We have suggested to the company management that they adopt measures to cut costs to meet the challenge of global meltdown,"

On November 6, 2008, Ratan Tata, head of the 62.5 billion Tata Group conglomerate, forwarded an e-mail to the heads of all the 98 companies. In the email, he advised to stop all kinds of merger and take over procedures and adopt strict cost cutting measures to keep the companies operational. Tata borrowed heavily from investors and banks to fund its take over plans and now it is under huge debt. Last year, the company produced 1,25,000 vehicles which has come down to 50,000 due to world wide economic crisis.

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The Hindu

Hindustan Times

South Asia Fair

Indian airlines are facing serious crisis amidst global credit crunch

India’s aviation industry is now facing tough times. Global credit crunch, fuel price rise and decrease in number of travelers lead to job cuts, reshaping the routes, decreasing number of flights, and increasing air-fares. Finding no other options, the domestic and national airlines are now looking forward to raise money from banks and investment companies for their survival. Jet Airways (India) Limited (BOM:532617), India’s second largest international airlines and largest domestic airlines, is now in talks with State Bank of India (BOM:500112) and Punjab National Bank (BOM:532461). The company is asking for Rs. 15 billion for working capital and expansion plan funding. Jet Airways is also asking Abu-Dhabi based investment company, Mubadala Development Co. to lend Rs. 10 billion.

Jet Airways’ major rival, Kingfisher Airlines Ltd. (BOM:532747) is also looking for potential investors in Singapore and Hong Kong but company officials did not reveal any information on the issue. An inside person, who wanted to remain anonymous, said that recently, the airlines took a loan of Rs. 10 billion from ICICI Bank Limited (BOM:532174) and asking for a second loan. It is also talking with investors to raise Rs. 20.48 billion through equity sales.

India’s national airlines, Air India Limited, which is owned by the National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL) is also looking forward to raise $2.5 billion from banks to fund its acquisition of 23 Boeing planes. NACIL is asking for a soft loan of Rs. 40 billion. Government is now evaluating the proposal.

Indian airlines are about to incur a loss of about Rs. 100billion. To continue their operations, they need to raise Rs. 40 billion working capital but the banks are finding it difficult to provide such a large amount of money.

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LG Incite CF 810: LG's latest Windows based mobile phone

Famous South Korean Electronics Company, The Laclede Group, Inc.
(NYSE:LG), in collaboration with
AT&T Inc.(NYSE:T), announced to launch its latest Windows based mobile phone,LG Incite CF810. It is LG’s first Windows based mobile released in USA. LG’s previous Windows based mobile phone, LG KS20, was released in Europe in 2007. Later, an American edition was sold through the FCC website. Operated by Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, the LG Incite CF810 sports features similar to those of Apple iPhone. Here are some of the major features of the LG Incite CF 810:

  • The LG Incite CF 810 supports the latest 3G network.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 comes with an integrated GPS.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 comes with Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g).
  • The LG Incite CF 810 supports Bluetooth.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 comes with Microsoft Office Mobile, Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5. It is the first mobile phone from LG that supports Windows Media Player 10.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 has 3-inch touch screen.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 has 3.0 megapixel camera. It features AT&T’s Video Share which, for the first time in US, enables users to share live video while participating in a voice call.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 comes with QWERTY keyboard in landscape mode containing twenty haptic keys with vibration feedback.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 has a user friendly interface. It has a scroll button to the upper right of the screen. You can also use a stylus.
  • With the LG Incite CF 810’s drag-and-drop favorites menu users can easily access to various applications.
  • The LG Incite CF 810 comes with AT&T Navigator. It gives turn-by-turn voice directions, 3-D moving maps, traffic alerts, re-routing, and other “location-based services.” Market Watch reports:

There also is business and personal e-mail access through Microsoft Direct Push and AT&T's Xpress Mail service, instant messaging and AT&T Mobile Music service, which provides fast access to downloadable music from eMusic(R). Store all your favorite songs with the microSD Memory Port with up to 16GB of support.

The LG Incite CF 810 is the second fruit of LG Microsoft collaboration. On November 3, 2008, LG and Microsoft signed a preliminary agreement on “strategic collaboration in mobile technology.” Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, recently visited South Korea and signed the agreement. Previously, LG and Microsoft joined hands to produce a Windows enabled version of a Chocolate phone for South Korea. This was followed by collaboration between LG and AT&T.Priced at $199.99, the LG Incite CF 810 comes with a two-year contract.

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Market Watch


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Can Maruti Suzuki A-star lift up Maruti Suzuki's falling share prices?

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. (BOM: 532500) launched its latest model car, Maruti Suzuki A-Star on November 19, 2008. It is the first Suzuki car to be produced in India. Now the million dollar question is: Will the A-Star save Maruti Suzuki falling share price? Though A-Star comes with some impressive upgrade it failed to impress the investors. The company’s share prices hit the lowest point for the first time in last three years. In addition, the global credit crunch and falling domestic demand created serious problem. Famous Korean auto-maker, Hyundai Motor India Ltd. cut down its production by 10%. Maruti also admitted of cutting production at its Delhi Gurgaon plant. reports:

While Maruti has reaffirmed its fiscal year 2010-11 target of exporting 200,000 vehicles, that now seems like an ambitious target. For one, its contract manufacturing deal with Nissan Motor Co. for 50,000 vehicles has still not been finalized. Besides, with most global auto makers feeling the heat of the slowdown, it’s unlikely that Maruti Suzuki’s exports division would go unscathed.

As far as the domestic market is concerned, the launch of the A-Star should help the company regain some lost market share in the A2 segment.

In June 2009, Maruti Suzuki is going to launch another new model named Splash which would further help the company but Maruti will not make much revenue in a sinking market. Yesterday, Maruti Suzuki shares were priced Rs 502.95 at 12.06 pm. On Thursday, the price was Rs. 468.25.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Review of Canon PowerShot SX10 Digital Camera

I am a big fan of cannon digital camera and in fact, I use one for my work. Of course, I cannot afford to buy a very expensive model of Canton but I know that many people like high quality professional digital cameras from the company and they are very popular. Despite the fact that I cannot buy an expensive one I look for reviews related to them and I would like you to read this review:

Canon PowerShot SX10 IS Review

Positive outlook for Dell in Asia but it is not Enough

The world wide economic recession is now touching almost all the big companies in the whole world. This is something that is causing a lot of havoc among the companies and every day, we just see some bad news items about economic recession. So, I think that the officials of Dell should be happy to see that they are doing fine in Asia. So, the company is now thinking of investing more in some Asian countries like China and India.

But the problem is that Asia market is not yet that big compared to Europe and USA. So, the positive growth in Asia is not enough to prevent drop in overall revenue because of the bad economy condition in Europe and America. Still, my opinion is that the Asian market for Dell products will continue to grow and the company should concentrate on capturing more market share in different countries of Asia.


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PC World

How to avoid plumbers to save money for Black Friday

Already I wrote about plumber’s Black Friday. Like shoppers and retailers plumbers run around the town instead of enjoying meals with their families because it is their earning season. Unfortunately, the plumbing and cleaning service personals believe that the ongoing economic crisis will affect their business. If you are one of those who do not want to spend extra money on plumbers then here are some tips for you:

  • Do not clean those oils on your plates with water. They clog the pipe by solidifying. Wipe the oily pots and plates with towels and throw them in trash and then clean them.
  • Do not throw away fibrous waste, poultry skins, celery, fruit and potato peels into the disposal because they can not sufficiently grind them.
  • Do not wait to fill up your disposal before turning on.
  • Wait ten minutes between showers. It would give time for the slow drains to clear water.
  • Do not flush cotton balls, swabs, hair, facial scrub pads in the toilet.
  • In order to avoid extra holiday service charge call a plumber before the holidays.
  • If you do not have time or money to call a plumber then buy a CLR Power Plumber from Jelmar. A pressurized drain opener the power plumber will clear your drains in seconds. You do not need to use any acids, additives or lye. Hence, it is environmentally safe.

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Market Watch

Market Watch

Black Friday : also significant to the plumbers

Black Friday is the buzz of the towns but what about Thanksgiving? Do you forget about this festival? What about the Thanksgiving Turkey and all the foods that goes into your stomach and in your drainage systems? The next day after Thanksgiving is not only a big day for retailers but plumbers as well. The excessive food waste clogs sinks and toilets around the country. Hence, the next day after Thanksgiving is also a busy day for plumbers. Like the retailers they also make extra money on this day. Roto-Rooter, the largest plumbing service in USA receives large number of calls and it is the single busiest day of the year for the company. Market Watch reports:

Most Americans take part in Thanksgiving celebrations with eleven or more people. Big holiday meals require a busy kitchen, meaning lots of grease and food go down the kitchen drain into the garbage disposal. Holiday guests require extra showers, wash cycles and toilet flushes. "Often, a house already has partially clogged drainpipes that aren't noticeable until holiday guests arrive and overwhelm the system," said Paul Abrams, a spokesman for Roto-Rooter.

On a typical Friday, calls to Roto-Rooter jumps up by almost 50%. During the Thanksgiving weekend, Roto-Rooter call jumps up by 21%.

During the weekend they stack up a revenue close to million dollars. This year, the plumber service is afraid that the number of emergency calls will decrease.

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Market Watch

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some interesting facts about Black Friday

Black Friday is creating fever all over USA. The Friday after Thanksgiving is considered to be the day that kicks off the holiday season shopping in USA. All the retailers and departmental stores offer bonuses and “door buster deals” but do not believe every thing you read or hear. Here is why:

  • First of all, Black Friday is not Friday but Black Thursday because most of the retailers deals starts from the midnight of Thanksgiving and that is the best time for shoppers to shop.
  • Many Black Friday shoppers believe that they would get better deals in the store but that is not true. Driving to the store costs your gas. If one store does not have a “particular product deal” other retailers might have it. If the store from which you are buying is not present in your state then it will save on sales tax this is very good for you if you are buying “large ticket” items.
  • The best way to shop is shop online. If you enjoy standing in long cues then it is different but if you are looking for better options then go online. You will get same deals. You do not need to ruin your night’s sleep.
  • It is true that some deals finish quickly but there are hundreds of other better deals. If you can not get a particular deal then do not worry, the Cyber Monday is right at the corner.
  • It is true that Black Friday deals are best deals. Hence, you should start as quickly as possible.

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iPod and Video game are hot "Black Friday 2008" items

In a recent poll conducted by reputed American organization, Consumer Reports, it has been found out that more shoppers will be looking for bargains and deep discounts on products on the coming “Black Friday.” American economy is going through a tough time and people are going to spend less but that does not mean they would not go shopping. In fact, 26% of the respondents said that they would go out for shopping on Black Friday which is 5% higher from 2007. reports:

Fighting the crowds and hunting down those blockbuster deals may be a game for the young, the biggest percentage (36%) of those who are planning to hit the malls are between the ages of 18 and 34.

Compared to early years, holiday shoppers are not starting their shopping early. Of the total respondent, only 38% have started their shopping which was 43% in 2006. About 85% of the shoppers are going to hunt for electronic products. Compared to the last season, this is a 15% rise. Out of the total respondents, 46% want to go for video-game system and iPods and 43% will go for MP3 players.

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Special Black Friday 2008 service offered by Frankfort Avenue Trolley service

For the shoppers enjoyment on “Black Friday,” the Frankfort Avenue Trolley Service at Louisville is going to have a special service on November 28, 2008. Typically, the Frank Fort Avenue Trolley Service runs in the evenings on the last Friday every month. On November 28, 2008, for the holiday shoppers, the trolley will run from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. This has been decided by the Frankfort Avenue Business Association. reports:

The free trolley service, operated by Transit Authority of River City, typically runs in the evenings on the last Friday of every month. But on Nov. 28, trolleys will run from 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., and most stores along the route will be open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., according to the Frankfort Avenue Business Association.

The Frankfort Avenue Trolleys run from Johnston Street in Butchertown to Frankfort and Stilz avenues. On their way they stop near shops, restaurants and galleries at Frankfort, Mellwood and Story avenues.

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