Friday, November 21, 2008

Black Friday : also significant to the plumbers

Black Friday is the buzz of the towns but what about Thanksgiving? Do you forget about this festival? What about the Thanksgiving Turkey and all the foods that goes into your stomach and in your drainage systems? The next day after Thanksgiving is not only a big day for retailers but plumbers as well. The excessive food waste clogs sinks and toilets around the country. Hence, the next day after Thanksgiving is also a busy day for plumbers. Like the retailers they also make extra money on this day. Roto-Rooter, the largest plumbing service in USA receives large number of calls and it is the single busiest day of the year for the company. Market Watch reports:

Most Americans take part in Thanksgiving celebrations with eleven or more people. Big holiday meals require a busy kitchen, meaning lots of grease and food go down the kitchen drain into the garbage disposal. Holiday guests require extra showers, wash cycles and toilet flushes. "Often, a house already has partially clogged drainpipes that aren't noticeable until holiday guests arrive and overwhelm the system," said Paul Abrams, a spokesman for Roto-Rooter.

On a typical Friday, calls to Roto-Rooter jumps up by almost 50%. During the Thanksgiving weekend, Roto-Rooter call jumps up by 21%.

During the weekend they stack up a revenue close to million dollars. This year, the plumber service is afraid that the number of emergency calls will decrease.

Related article:

Market Watch