If Indian economy continues to grow this way most probably you will find some other blogs about Indian business in KMM Network or in other blog networks. And the first blogs will most probably on Indian cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad as success in outsoaring is making them rich.
Visit IndianRaj in the following link:
Saturday, June 24, 2006
IndianRaj: A blog about Indian Business
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 12:42 AM 4 comments
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Malaysia's Third Master Plan starting from July
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Malaysia is going to launch its Third Industrial Master Plan from July 2006. Starting from 2006 and ending in 2010, the plan will realize strategies that will turn Malaysia into a fully developed country by 2020. A launching ceremony of the plan was held on Wednesday, in Kualalampur. Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz reviewed the plan. She said that her government would focus on investments in “New Areas of Growth” such as biotechnology and service sectors. She also mentioned plans regarding the development of the business operation environment under the Third Master Plan and Ninth Malaysia Master Plan. Under the Ninth Malaysia Plan the government is going to provide incentives to foreign investors to invest in the country’s manufacture and service industry.
Analysts are expecting a per year growth of 6.7% and 6.5% in the manufacturing and service sector of Malaysia. Government will spend 200 billion Ringgit Malaysia for development and 45 billion Ringgit Malaysia for human resource development.
Related Article:
Malaysia to launch Third Industrial Master Plan in July
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 10:16 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 10, 2006
The Bigger the Better- Not this time!!!
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
China banned small cars ten years ago from now. Government officials thought that too much small cars would cause traffic jam in the streets. Now, the scenario has changed a lot. Rapid industrialization and booming middle class created huge demand for oil which has made the Chinese policy makers to change their strategy. Because of the raising price of fuel and increase in the number of vehicles China has now decided to reintroduce small vehicles with fuel efficient engines.
At present, in terms of fuel consumption, USA is in the first place and then China and Japan. The interesting thing is both China and Japan consume equal amount of fuel but China has a huge population and its transport and communication sector is growing at a rapid pace which would account for 60% of the total fuel consumption by 2020. In order to stop people from buying fuel inefficient big vehicles Chinese government imposed higher taxes on big cars and SUVs. Chinese policymakers are now facing a three phase problem- First, lowering the number of vehicles; Second, increase the standard of emission; Third, not hurting the growth of automobile sector, one the most profitable sectors of China.
According to Xinhua news agency low emission cars are now ranked top seller in China. China also raised its fuel price which created lots of tension among people.
Related Articles:
ANALYSIS - China makes U-turn to embrace small, efficient cars
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Latest report published by State Council, China's Cabinet says the environmental condition is worsening
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
China is paying a heavy price for its rapid industrialization. Environmental degradation is becoming serious day by day in China. At present, China is loosing more than 200 billion dollar a year due to environmental problems and it is causing 10% of China’s total Gross Domestic Product. In 2005 China’s GDP was 2.26 trillion.
On last Monday, at a press conference Zhu Guangyao, Deputy Director, State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), released the second White paper on China’s Environmental protection. The paper titled "Environmental Protection in China (1996-2005)" was published by the State Council, China's Cabinet. Surprisingly, the day the report was released (5th June) was also the World Environment Day. Below is given some of the main points mentioned in the report:
· Due to environmental degradation the total loss of GDP accounts for 10%.
· According to the report the conflict between environmentalists and developers is at its peak.
· Resource shortage, fragile ecological environment and inadequate environmental capacity are effecting China’s economic growth in a negative way. The paper mentioned the condition of environmental protection as “Grave.”
· Water, land and soil pollution have become serious and government will mobilize all forces available to solve the problems that are causing serious harm to people’s health.
· 60% of the country's territory is considered ecologically fragile. About 90% of the country's grasslands are facing degradation and desertification. Vast wetlands are withering and shrinking because of farming and industrialization.
This shows how serious the condition has become. According to Zhu Guangyao the figure given in the report (10%) is not accurate because of the difficulty in conducting research. It may be more but it will give people a rough idea.
In the conference Zhu said that despite the efforts of five hundred thousand officials around the country including public and private; China’s environmental picture is worsening. There is no room for optimism. Reluctance and indifference of the local corrupted officials are also contributing to the environmental degradation. Even these officials sometimes work against government rules.
Chinese Government never admitted the country’s problems but it changed its tone after two incidents that took place early this year—First, Premier Wen Jiabao’s confession about the failure of the government to reach the environmental protection target in the last five years. Second, the worst sand storm in Beijing. “Yellow dust turned the smoggy air even murkier. The trickle of rain that fell this spring became mud as it splashed onto umbrellas and windows.”
China’s rapid growth started since 1978 and since it is continuing till now. On the contrary, the country did not give enough effort to stop the environmental degradation caused by rapid industrialization. Now many private environmental organizations are trying to blow the whistle and often they are silenced by the corrupted local officials.
Related Article:
Pollution costs China $200 billion a year
Pollution Getting Worse, China Admits
Economic losses from pollution account for 10% of China's GDP
Chinese Official Sees Private Role on Environment
Pollution costs equal 10% of China's GDP
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 05, 2006
KIA observes a sales growth in May
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Famous Korean automobile producer KIA has posted an 8.2% rise in their overseas sales in May. The report published in theautochannel.com says that in May KIA sold a total of 75,474 vehicles. Sales in Europe grew 12%, in North America 6.4%, and 5.1% in general market. In Europe KIA sold 28,834 units, in North America 16,625 units and 30,015 units in general market. In this year, KIA’s most popular model is Cerato, also known as Spectra, which sold 52,695 units. Other popular models are -- Sorento, mid size SUV; Picanto (50,233 units) and Sportage compact SUV (43,644 units). Jung-Moon Park, Senior Executive Vice President and COO of KIA Motors Corporation, was very happy with the sales growth and also said that customers are now recognizing their “unbeatable package of quality, performance, styling, functionality and value”.
Related Article:
KIA Motors posts 8.2% rise in overseas sales in May
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Suzuki and Nissan agreed to use each other's production facility
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Nissan Motor Corporation, the second biggest automobile producer of Japan, and compact car leader, Suzuki Motor said that from now on they would expand their ongoing business relationship and allow using each other’s production plants in India. The two companies would also produce and supply vehicles to each other and sell under their brand name. The company officials declared this on Friday in order to boost their sales. Automobile is a very competitive market and one of the key requirements for survival is building up business alliance. This helps automobile producers to decrease the risks and expenses involved in production and ensure their survival in the market. This latest deal, spread words that Nissan will become a equity stake holder in Suzuki but Suzuki President Hiroshi Tsuda refuted the possibility of such tie up. On the other hand, Toshiyuki Shiga said that in Friday’s meeting there was no discussion on capital alliance.
Related Article:
UPDATE 3-Nissan, Suzuki to expand business cooperation
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Nippon Sheet Glass taking over Pilkington Plc
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Japan has a prosperous automobile industry. So it is also common that Japanese auto parts producers will also flourish for their huge demand in domestic automobile. This is what happened to Nippon Sheet Glass Company. Nippon is the sixth largest glass producer in the world and thanks to the prospering Japanese automobile industry it has made a strong base in its homeland. By the end of June the company will buy up Pilkington Plc, a British company and the third largest glass producer in the world. This will put Nippon in the same position with Asahi Glass. Asahi which holds twenty percent of US and European market is very successful in doing its business overseas which Nippon lagged. Asahi generates 40% of its profit from overseas sales and Nippon on 15% but through buying Pilkington Plc, Nippon is planning to get into US and European market and supply its products to Japanese automakers.
Related Article:
Glassmakers grow on auto demands
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Will GM's New North American Head stop GM's downward Market Share
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
GM has declared its new head of North American region. Troy Clarke, 51, Head of GM’s Asia-Pacific operations will be the new head. Until now Rick Wagoner, Chairman and CEO, was the head of the North American operations. He will relinquish his post in July.
Recent times have not been very good for General Motors. The automobile giant is loosing market in its home ground, America, which is the company’s biggest market. Two thirds of its profit comes from this region. According to a report published in Shanghai Daily.Com, in 2005, out of 10.6 billion dollar profit the North American region accounted for 8.2 billion. The North American region reported a $US462 million loss in its first quarter of 2006.
2005: A year of loss and suffering for General Motor’s
I also came across an article on GM published in Wikipedia. According to that article, in the first quarter of last year GM reported a loss of $1.1 billion. During that time the company cut down 25,000 jobs and decided to shut down two of its plants situated in Japan and USA by 2008. Then in November, 2005, it reported another loss of $ 4billion and this time it declared to increase its job cuts. From 25000 it rose to 30000 followed by a decision of shutting down 12 plants. The early plan of the company was to shut down eight plants. I am quoting from the article:
In December, 2005, Standard and Poor's further downgraded GM bonds to "B", with the observation that it is "now dubious" whether the new line of SUVs and trucks would return GM's North American auto business to profitability.
In February 2006, GM decided to slash its annual dividend to $1.00 per share. GM had resisted the move for some time. However, the reduction will save GM about $565 million in cash each year.
GM was also famous for its pensions and health care costs. The company was paying its employees who were out of work. These decisions added with marketing problems and low sales proved to be suicidal for the company.
Richard Wagoner:
In such a desperate time the company has decided to remove its present in charge of the North American region-- Chairman and CEO, G. Richard Wagoner Junior. Wagoner became the President of the North American region in 2005 after the unit reported its quarterly loss. After taking over from former President Gary Cowger, Wagner implemented a four-point recovery plan. During his time GM was able to make a profit of 445 million dollar but there was much to be done. I am quoting from the report published in The Australian—
While much work remains to be done, we have reached several significant milestones in our turnaround plan over the past year," Mr Wagoner said.
Recently, the board has pressured him to cut back his work load and find a permanent leader. Now, Mr. Wagoner, along with Fritz Henderson, Chief financial officer, will oversee the deal with Delphi, a former auto parts producer for GM. The company has been bankrupted and now the workers are demanding for a concession.
Troy Clarke, the new head:
Troy Clarke, Head, GM’s Asia-Pacific region has been chosen to lead the North American region operations. Clarke, 51, has been working in GM for 33 years and he has turned Asia-Pacific into GM’s most profitable region. He joined GM in 1973. In 1998 he was the in charge of the company’s Mexican operations and labor relations. In 2003 he negotiated labor deal with the United Auto Workers Union. However, many people are suspicious, if Clarke has the necessary skills for developing product and market plan that would stop GM’s downward market slide.
John Casesa, Auto-industry analyst, Casesa Shapiro Group LLC, said that GM is too big a company to have a head of North America. He also said “Having Troy Clarke in this job now is like having a chief operating officer that this company desperately needs.”
The North American business of GM is now going through a critical restructuring. According to the report published in The Australian GM is now adjusting its production capacity and severance packages offered to its blue collar work force. In addition, it decided to hold down health care costs after coming in an agreement with the United Auto Workers union. The company is also devising a new pricing strategy that will reduce discounts and incentives. It has cut down 30,000 labors and shut down several operations. A major challenge lying ahead of Clarke is negotiating with the United Auto Workers Union and form a new labor pact.
GM’s Success in Asia Pacific Region:
General Motor may be losing its market in America but it has huge success in Asia Pacific region. According to the report published Shanghai Daily.Com in the first quarter of 2006 GM’s profit rose to 453 million US dollar. In China GM is the biggest and most profitable producer of passenger cars, vans and trucks. In Korea GM Daewoo is the company’s most efficient engineering center. This company produces Daewoo model cars which are sold in USA and China. Until now Troy Clarke was heading GM’s Asia-Pacific operations. He will be succeeded by Nick Reilly, President GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Corporation. Fifty six year old Reilly is among GM’s most popular executives. He was in charge of Vauxhall in Britain from 1996 to 2001.
Related Articles:
GM names head to turn N. American losses around
GM replaces Wagoner at wheel in North America
GM's New Man in North America
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Chrysler wants to be localized in China
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Daimler Chrysler has decided to increase its input in its China products by eight fold. The auto giant is now moving toward localizing its products in China. According to Till Becker, CEO, Daimler Chrysler, Northeast Asian region, the company by 2008, will increase its annual expenditure from 100 million to 800 million. Becker also said that the auto parts bought from Chinese companies will be used in the company’s products. He also said that Daimler Chrysler has a long term business goal in China and he expected more auto parts producers would join with them.
At present, Daimler Chrysler and Beijing Automotive Industry Shareholding Company Limited have a joint venture plant in China, Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automotive Corporation. Both the companies have 50-50 share in this company. Both organizations have invested 600 million dollars and the company’s registered capital is a total of 400 million. It produces jeeps, Mercedes- Benz Sedans, and military vehicles. In the first four months 2470 units of Mecedes—Benz Sedans were sold in China. Word spread out that China would suspend the production of Benz but an official rejected the speculation.
Useful Links:
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Increasing Aged People: A Constant Threat to Japanese Economy
Japanese government released a white paper on Friday which contains a warning to the Japanese economy. It stated that right now 20% people are aged 65 or above in Japan. Among the total working population 5.04 million are aged 65 or older which stands 7.6 percent of the total working population, an increase of 0.2 point from lat year. It predicts that a decline in the Japanese workforce will be started from 2007 as the postwar generation will be going to their retirement age.
The white paper focused on the rapid increase among the aged group of people. It indicates the group of people aged 65 or above estimated 25.6 million in October 1, 2005 which is 20.04 percent of total population, an increase of 720,000 people and 0.54 percent from a year before. It is also predicted that the percentage of elderly people would be 26.o percent by 2015.
To avert a lacking of working people in the workforce in the coming years, Japan government is planning to redefine the age segment of elderly people making it 70 instead of existing 65 so that government can use the experience, skill and service of senior citizens of the country in the workforce for five years more.
In this way government may be able to hold the problem to their economy for some years but it can not be a permanent solution. So, besides these initiatives government has to ensure the increase in the fertility rate among the Japanese as fertility rate has seen a huge fall in the recent years. I hope that Japanese think tanks will be able to figure out some way to get out of this problem.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 02, 2006
America's falling share of spam mails: Spamming now a $30 billion Industry
Americans are always crazy to feel that they are the number 1 in everything. Their obsession with statistics and records is often in the extreme level. However, no American will lament for the fact that USA is gradually losing the top spot in terms of sending spam mails. Even two years ago, nearly 50% of all spam mails would originate in USA. Now, America is not the leading source spam e-mails. Asia has snatched away this record from USA and according to Sophos, the UK based security firm, it is Asia which leads the spam industry. Here is the market share for the continents:
Asia: 42.8%
North America: 25.6%
Europe: 25%
As a single country, USA is still in the top of the lsit. By country basis the top 3 sources of spam mails are:
USA: 23.1%
China: 21.9
Korea: 10%
What is so surprising is that spamming is developing so fast in Asia. Well, main reason is that Asian economy is expanding very fast and that is why spammers are eager to use their spam emails as a marketing tool. Chinese economy is growing at a rate of 10% for the last one decade and naturally this is a very attractive market for the spammers. The main problem for Asia is that hardly any country has any law against spammers. Most users are not aware about the possible threats that spam emails can bring.
Spamming is now considered to be a very good marketing tool by many people and the size of this industry is now $30 billion. So, no doubt that spamming is a very profitable business and now spamming companies are hiring experts to find more sophisticated solutions for spamming.
The only way out for us is to hope that big companies like Microsoft, Google and Yahoo will come forward seriously and start a fight against spammers. The Asian governments will also have to be aware of this problem and ensure strict law against spamming without any delay.
Related Articles
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Sophos: Asia Leads Spam Relay
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Take vaccine for measles or forget World Cup Football 2006
Germany is now the ultimate destination for football fans ahead of world cup football. With their utmost joy they are trying to manage tickets to go to Germany. In such a situation, measles may come as a threat to them if they do not become aware of this disease. Regarding this, the health department of Germany indicated that measles has been spread out in some European countries including Germany, Denmark, Spain, Greece and Ukraine.
On this important issue, World health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) both are worried because football fans may be a victim of this disease. WHO requested fans to take measles vaccination two weeks before to go to Germany. It has also indicated some cities like Cologne, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen where this disease is more frequent.
PAHO advised people to take two shots of MMR vaccine to avert mumps, measles and rubella. Since January 1,106 persons in the North Rhine Westphalia region have suffered from measles. High fever, rash, red eyes, cough and other physical complication can be seen among the affected persons.
So, to enjoy the world cup with full enthusiasm, fans should take vaccine before setting of their journey to Germany.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 7:51 AM 0 comments
BBC broadcasting World Cup Football Matches Live: The golden age of Web casting just beginning
People from America and Europe could not enjoy the last World Cup in Asia because of the time difference. All the matches were held at a late hour of night or early moring in these regions. So, this most watched sports tournament could not hit many viewers in its last tournament. But this year it is expected to have a record audience in the upcoming tournament. Considering such a situation BBC has launched a service for the working people in England.
Yes dear readers, with the support of British Commercial Broadcaster ITV, BBC is going to live broadcast world cup matches in their TV channel as well in their websites through online. This is the first time they are going to live broadcast world cup matches through online. They also broadcast football matches in their websites like last world club championship final between Liverpool and Sao Paolo in 2005. They also broadcast Olympic Games and now they are planning to broadcast the next Wimbledon Tennis Tournament in their websites. Thus, a new era in online broadcasting is taking place.
BBC took this project for those people who have to go to their work place during the matches so that they can be in touch of the biggest sporting tournament. BBC TV channel will broadcast 23 first round matches and they have right to telecast the England’s second round and quarter final matches if England can qualify those rounds. Moreover, they will also broadcast a four-minute highlights on each world cup matches. All of these first round and England’s second round and quarterfinal matches and matches highlights will be available to watch live in bbc.co.uk/worldcup and bbc.co.uk/sport with the same commentary. BBC will also telecast radio commentary for the convenience of English fans. BBC journalists will also write minute by minute report that will be published in their websites.
Well, it is seen that BBC has taken all the possible steps to keep people in touch of World Cup football.
Is there anything, do you think, that BBC could do for their viewers?
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Japanese Fertility Rate: Being rich cannot solve Everything
Japan, a developed country in Asia, is going to face a lack of population problem. The health ministry of Japan said that The country has experienced its lowest fertility rate ever in 2005 with the rate of 1.25 while the rate was 1.29 in 2004. Here, fertility rate indicates the number of children a women wants to have in her lifetime. The fertility rate has been lessened to 1.2888 in 2004 which should be 2.1 in Japan according to expertise.
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi while expressing his concern about this figure said that his government would take this issue very seriously.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo is also worried about this matter and he felt that the government should have acted from before.
The major reasons behind such reluctance of people to take more children are related to busy Japanese lifestyle of both men and women. For example, men can not give more time in his house for having a huge pressure in workplace and women are forced to give up their job during the time of child birth. For your convenience I can give information that about 70 percent women have to give up their job when they become mother. Lack of proper daycare facilities is another problem and schools are getting more and more expensive. Here, experts figured out another point that is the attitude of later marriage of women through which they get fewer children in their life.
It is also predicted that, Japanese population may go down to 100.59 million by 2050 and to 64.14 million by 2100. It is a pity that Japan is one of the richest countries in the world but it cannot solve the problem of falling birth rate. Money can solve many problems but not everything.
So, government should give the highest importance to this issue before getting it out of control. More children home should set up and what is more, government should allocate a vacation for the women during the time of giving birth and men should be given some extra hours off so that they can take care of their family very well. Government can also inspire people to take more children giving some extra benefit to them. For example, government can give a waiver in the tuition fees in educational institution for those families who have more than 2 children or government can launch a fund to give some financial assistance for those families who have more than 2 children. These are all my opinion and I think the decision makers of Japan will be able to figure out some way that will be more effective.
What do you think about it?
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 2:28 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 01, 2006
A brief review of the top Xbox Games
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Xbox is the first gaming console produced by Microsoft. It is the sixth generation video game console. In 2001 Sony’s Play Station2 was the dominant game console around the world. Xbox was developed in 2001 and launched in USA. Through this product Microsoft wanted to make its entrance into the gaming world. In my previous post I have written about Microsoft’s Xbox top chart games. This post is an extension of the previous one. Here I have discussed about the top Xbox and Xbox 360 games.
CALL of DUTY: There are many games based on wars especially, the Second World War. Some of the most popular games based on World War II are: Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Commandos 2: Men of Courage, Deadly Dozen, and Combat Flight Simulator2: WWII Pacific Theatre, and Battlefield 1942. The main feature of WWII games is that these games are either first person shooting game or strategy game (Commando) where the gamers play the role of a soldier (most of the time American or British) and participate in different missions. Also these games are very rich in graphics and various effects so that the gamers get the thrill of war. Call of Duty is no difference from its predecessors. Released in 2003 this game became a great success. Observing the huge success the sequel of the game Call of Duty2 was released in October 2005. In this game a gamer can play the role of an ordinary soldier -British, American, or Russian.
GHOST RECON- This game is based on the story of Tom Clancy. Developed by Red Storm and published by Ubisoft this game was released in 2001. Set in a fictitious future the gamer will lead a team of elite US fighters equipped with best weapons. The Ghosts are basically US army’s quick response team; a group of well trained infantry soldiers who will be the first one to get into a conflict prone area and the last one to leave the area if the situation gets tough. In this game the gamer will play the character of Captain Scott Mitchell, leader of a light infantry ghost team. He will choose his team, train them, equip them and lead them to battle. The noticing feature of this game is its graphics, which are very detailed. In this game the players fight with the rebels in Mexico City. The whole city is wartorned; there are gunshots, and fire and smokes. Developers’ attention to these details makes the game very entertaining.
OBLIVION-The third most popular game on Xbox 360 chart is Oblivion. This game was developed by Bethesda Softworks LLC for both computer and game console (XBOX). The game was released in March in America. It is a fantasy role play game and the fourth of the Elder Scrolls series. This game also has a collector version which includes a pocket guidebook on the game’s story, a DVD, and coins. Famous actor Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean, and actress Lynda Carter gave their voices in this game. The main features of this game are- a custom version of the Gamebryo game engine, a combat interface containing the Havok physics engine, high quality graphics, improved magic systems and stealth system. This is a first person game but can also be played in a third person view.
FINAL FANTASY XI- Final Fantasy XI was released in 2003. This game was developed by Square Soft and published by Ubisoft. The second installment of the game was released in 2004 developed and published by Square-Enix. This is an online massive multiplayer role playing game. The original version was released in Japan in 2002. At present it has more than 500,000 subscribers. In this game the players undertake different adventures through a complex gaming world named Vana'diel. It has more than 100 areas to explore. The game is famous for its visual content, innovative game play and a great story line. In 2004 it won Stratics 2003 Golden Cog Awards, for best gameplay, best graphics, and massively multiplayer online game of the year.
PROJECT GOTHAM RACING 3- This game was developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Microsoft Entertainment. The game was released in USA in November 2005. The main features of this racing game are: great in-car views that makes the gamer believe that he is running a real racing car, the gamers get a great sense when he is running the car, playing online version does not take much time which is why lots of players can enjoy the game online, the music adds up more spice with the environment. This is the first time I have heard that Indian Bhangra music is used in any game.
EA SPORTS FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3 – This game is the only boxing game ever produced. However, it did not lack any of the aspects of a good game. This game won E3 2005 awards in the category of Best Non-Playable Presentation. The game was developed by EA Sports and published by Electronic Arts Incorporation. The latest version of the game was released in USA in 2006. The main attraction of the game is that it depicts the greatest boxing champions; creates rivalries through heated press conference and trash talking; players can create their own style. Last but not the least, is the impact punches that keep the gamer glued to his seat. These punches put down the opponents or knock them out.
The above mentioned games are played in Xbox 360. On the other hand there are many popular games played in the original Xbox.
BATTLE FIELD 2: MODERN COMBAT- Developed by Digital Illusions
and published by Electronic Arts Incorporation this game was released in 2005. As I was browsing the game websites I found that this game has several versions such as: Battlefield 2: Euro Force (2006), Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (2005), Battlefield 2: Modern Combat(2006) and so on. The game won "Best Swedish Game" and "Best FPS Game" at Game Awards 2006. It was also nominated in the category "Best Online Game" which was won by World of Warcraft. In this version the players would chose to fight for one of three military super powers – USA, China, and Middle East Coalition (newly formed). The players will be armed with latest weapons, they can chose from more than 30 vehicles and engage in military conflicts. The game can be played online with more than 64 players.
HALO2- This is the sequel of the most popular game HALO launched with Xbox. This game was developed by Bungie Software and published by Microsoft Entertainment. The game was released in November, 2004. This is also a first person shooting game and one of the best shooting games ever created. Unlike Final Fantasy or Oblivion this game does not have a very good story line but it has very good multiplayer features, various modes and customization options. The game also has great audio music and sound effect.
Useful Links:
Websites used to collect Game information:
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Microsoft needs 8 allies to rival Apple's iPod! How many allies needed to face Google?
Apple Computer has remained a strong force in the tech world in the recent time mainly because of the huge success of its iPod, the portable digital music player. iPod is so famous that I do not need to go any details about this product. iPod has been very successful in the markets of Asia, Europe and America and the other leading tech companies have totally failed to destroy the market share of iPod anywhere in the world. Microsoft after failing to do something in the US market is now adamant to put an end to the reign of iPod in Japan. Microsoft has joined hand with Toshiba, Victor, NTT DoCoMo, and five other companies for developing a portable digital music player that will rival Apple's iPod.
It is really surprising that to counter Apple, Microsoft had to woo so many companies. Microsoft will build the software while Victor and Toshiba will make the hardware (the music player) and other companies will most probably contribute in the marketing success of this product. You may wonder why Microsoft selected the Japanese market. Well, I guess that Japanese people are most crazy for new gismos in the world and thus Bill Gates is thinking that if he can become successful in Japan then sooner or later he will defeat iPod in Europe and USA.
I am surprised a bit because these days the main rival of Microsoft is considered to be Google not Apple any more. Many observers see Google as the rising sun in the technology world and in the search engine industry; Microsoft has been defeated very badly by Google in the recent months. I am sure that sooner or later Microsoft will take the matter of search engine seriously like it is doing for iPod. So, I wonder, if Microsoft needs 8 allies to rival Apple's iPod then how many allies Microsoft will need to fight against Google search. 800 or 800,000.
What do you think?
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Posted by Razib Ahmed at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Microsoft’s Xbox 360 for World Cup Football: American Company's love for Soccer
Microsoft’s new gaming console Xbox has been launched in Japan and also in England with the official game of Fifa world cup2006 of EA sports. So, football fans will enjoy some passionate moments of world cup in the game of EA sports. This is the latest product of Microsoft-Addidas partnership. With the official England song’s “World at your feet” Microsoft’s World Cup 2006 Xbox bundle are now available in England which includes EA Fifa 2006 world cup.
Microsoft also launched a competition named “What’s In Your Locker” with the association of Britvic, a drink manufacturer where the winners will be prized with Xbox 360 in every 90 minutes with pepsi.
Pepsi has joined hand with Microsoft and thus both the companies are expecting that their strategic partnership will benefit both the companies during this World Cup.
EA sport has released four games for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 which are NBA Live 06, Fifa 2006 Road to the World Cup, Madden NFL 2006 and Tiger Woods 2006. Some other games for Xbox are Dead or Alive, College Hoops 2K6, Top Spin 2, Sonic Riders, Fight Night Round 3, Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, Kameo etc.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 11:51 AM 0 comments
ATTENTION!!!! Ten-Hut!
Written by: S.M.Mehdi Hassan
Yes gamers, this is the CALL OF DUTY2 the number one game in Microsoft’s X-box chart. Microsoft’s director Larry Hyrb in his blog gave the list of top ten most popular games and CoD2 is on the top of the chart and Ghost Recon, Oblivion, Battle Field, and Final Fantasy XI occupied second, third, fourth and fifth position. Larry Hyrb is also known as Major Nelson to the gamers.
Call of Duty is a first person action game. Developed by Infinity Ward this game is based on the Second World War. The latest version contains more enhanced features. If you are a gamer and want to know more you can visit this link.
On the other hand, Halo 2 is still the most popular game with the original Xbox. It is 18 months old but played by lots of gamers. Then there is Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Counter-Strike, PES 5 and Splinter Cell Chaos.
Related articles:
Call of Duty 2 tops 360 Xbox Live chart
Call of Duty 2 tops the Xbox live list
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Football banned in a hotel to comfort Football widows
On the occasion of upcoming world cup various business companies over the world are trying to promote their product using the craze of the world cup football. Some companies are giving a special discount on their products; some are giving scratch cards with each sale of their products through which they are giving a chance to their consumers to go to Germany providing ticket of world cup matches while some other companies are organizing quiz competitions with some attractive prizes. However, in some cases, business owners are to launch some extra packages not using the world cup craze rather to prevent their consumers from world cup. Yes, dear readers, it is a bit interesting that owners are doing this to avert some financial losses.
In England, some hotel owners are doing such things because during the popular sports tournaments like world cup football, they have lack of regular customers as all people become crazy for world cup. So, they have introduced some special packages during the world cup through which they will try to lessen the world cup craze among their customers. Linthwaite House Hotel in Bowness, Cumbria has launched such a package that involves some extra services like showing good films in TV and providing chocolates, massage, reflexology and aromatherapy sessions.
Another hotel named Malmaison also introduced a package of £175 and the customers will enjoy a twin room for two girlfriends, dinner, a bottle of Mal wine, unlimited Häagen Daz ice-cream, a romantic video and breakfast.
I do not know whether they will be succeeded or not with their special packages but it will, no doubt, be very hard to decrease the world cup craze as it has an unique appeal throughout the world.
Am I wrong?
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 1:39 AM 0 comments
The ongoing Trend in auto Industry: Shifting from Big to Small
Written by: S.M. Mehdi Hassan
The automobile industries around the world are now going through a tough time. Rising fuel price has created serious problems for automobile buyers and users. However, this did not decrease the sales and production of automobiles rather the demand of automobile is increasing in many countries like India and China. However, now days, price and fuel efficiency has shifted consumers’ attention to smaller and fuel efficient cars. Famous Japanese auto analyst Takaki Nakanishi, said that the ability to lower price and lower production cost can bring success to the automakers. I am quoting from the report:
As demand for better mileage grows and governments tighten emissions standards around the world, the pressure has grown on global auto makers to pump out cash to develop fuel-efficient and cleaner powertrains.
At the same time, pricing remains tough as weaker brands such as General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. push profit-eroding deals to sell their cars.
"If you look at what's happening now, gasoline prices are the factor most likely to tip the balance," said Takaki Nakanishi,
Nakanishi, Managing Director and Head of Japanese Equity Research at JP Morgan, was ranked the top analyst by Institutional Investor magazine and the Nikkei Financial Daily. In an interview with Reuters he said that better mileage and tight emissions standards has put pressure on automobile producers to produce small fuel efficient vehicles.
American top three automobile producers General Motors, Ford Motors and Daimler Chryslers are now going through a tough time because of their trend to produce big sports utility vehicles that wastes huge amount of fuel. On the contrary, Japanese automobile companies like Toyota, Honda, Nissan are taking advantage of the situation.
Nakanishi said that in the next ten years.
Related article:
Cost and pricing power key in auto sector
Posted by S M Mehdi Hassan at 1:02 AM 0 comments