Indian playback singer, Sunidhi Chauhan, has caught the attention of all media for her marriage news. It is heard that she is going to get married for the second time. The question may rise to the mind of readers is that who his fiancé is. According to a source, her new soul mate in him she has found her true love is Hitesh Sonik.
When she was called to get information about her marriage, she confirmed that she was ready to get married once again but she had not fixed a date yet. So, fans will have to wait to see when they are going to start new life. However, Sunidhi refused to give any more information about the wedding ceremony.
Hitesh Sonik started his career as a music arranger and has become promoted to a music director.
According to information given by a tabloid, it is known that the couple started dating over a year ago and they are most likely to wed in April in Mumbai.
The 28-year-old singer previously got married with a choreographer Bobby Khan brother of director and choreographer Ahmed Khan. However, their marriage life ended on a bittersweet note.
Their fans will expect the marriage of this star-couple will turn out to be a successful one and they will be a happy couple.
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