I started this blog on July 17 2005. It was four years ago. Well, that time, I did it as some kind of a hobby and I did not have enough time to take it seriously. At that time, I had no idea how to earn money through blogging, how to get visitors to my blog or which way to create content. This blog never seriously took off because I got engaged to Know More Media and wrote on a similar topic in SouthAsiaBiz.com. Then Know More Media got hit badly by the economic recession and shut down its business and then I had to be on my own.
For the last 3 and half years, I am a full time blogger and today I remembered that I started everything from this blog. I wish that I could give some more time to this blog. I also wish that I could take it to WordPress and have my own domain. However, our time is not unlimited and we have to focus on earning money through this limited time. Hopefully, in future, I can take this blog really seriously.
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