Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Creative Writings and Translations: All about Bangla (Bengali) Literature: Upendra Kishore Ray Chowdhury: Famous Children Writer of Bangla literature
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 1:44 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 19, 2006
China's tourism sector: the boom is coming
China has one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Actually, of all the countries that has ancient civilizations, China is the largest and it has many tourist attractions including the Great Wall. There are many attractions in terms of eco-tourism too. Still, its tourism sector is not doing as much as it should be. One reason may be lack of skilled people in English language and that is why it is not easy to find a tourist guide in an affordable price. Then, many tourist attractions are in places that are not accessible easily by road, air or rail communication.
Chinese government must work hard to overcome these problems. Next Olympic Games can be a good starting point. Hosting the Olympic Games means that thousands of tourists, business executives and sports personalities will come Beijing. The attention of the media will be towards Beijing too. Thus it can be the best opportunity of China to show the rest of the world what priceless tourist attractions they have. The best part of the Olympic preparations is that Chinese government has taken an initiative to increase the level of English language proficiency among the city dwellers of Beijing. This thing alone will contribute to the boom of China's tourism sector. Most probably, with the next Olympic Games, Chinese tourism sector will start its march towards boom time.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Manufacturing or Service- The Chinese dilemma
China is very aggressively pushing itself in terms of economic growth. It has emerged as a threat to many countries- both developed and poor because of China's ability to manufacture goods at a very cheap price. Labor is cheap, infrastructure is not bad and most of all Chinese people are famous world wide for their entrepreneurial skill. These factors combined have made China virtually irresistible in the manufacturing world. More and more rich multinational companies are relocating their factories in China. With a population of over 1 billion, the internal market of China is attractive too for any company. However, China's economy has one weakness- it is poor when it comes to the question of knowledge economy and knowledge based society. First of all, Chinese people are not famous for their good skill in English language and secondly, China has not focused on IT enabled services or software development as it focused on manufacturing. So, many experts are now thinking that the weakness in knowledge economy may become China's Achilles heel. On the other hand, if China now shifts from its strength in manufacturing, its economy may lose its vitality.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 17, 2006
A test
I do not know why I cannot see my blog. I get an error message "HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden ". However, just 8 hours ago, last night everything was ok.
If any of you can see this page please mail me:
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 12:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Asia is surpassing Europe in skilled manpower?
The title of this post may seem to be a bit awkward to many of the readers. When I read the news in I felt surprised too. I never like to think that Asian students are less talented or less hard working than Europeans. I just feel that European countries have much more money to invest in education and research than Asian countries. That is why at first I felt surprised to know that Asian countries are indeed gradually surpassing European countries in terms of education skills of their people.
Japan has already one of the best education systems in the world and the key to Japan's success in business has been its international standard education system. India and China are coming forward very quickly in this regard too. Indian graduates have already rocked the world in the field of outsourcing of IT enabled services and software development. One of the most important factors behind's China's rapid economic development is also its educated and skilled manpower. However, the best record holder in Asia is South Korea. 45 Years ago, South Korea was among the poorest countries in the world with very poor education system. Now, South Korea can proudly boast that it has got an edge in terms of educated and skilled manpower both in quantity and quality. In sharp contrast, major European countries like France and Germany are falling behind day by day. They are simply failing to adjust to the challenges of growing demand for quality education. The worst thing for Europe seems to be that higher education is becoming more and more a thing for the rich because of rising education expenses. On the other hand, traditionally parents in Asian countries always try to give most priority to the educational expenses of their children.
Quality and quantity of education is perhaps the most important factor that affects the economy of a country. If the current trend in skill development continues then 21st century will really be the Asian century.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 1:16 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 13, 2006
How can listing in Google Blog Search help you?
These days much is written about SEO (Search Engine Optimizations) and a large portion of the content is aimed for the best search engine of the world, Google. However, it seems that very few of these contents are about Google's blog search. Many people assume that Google's web search is most important and Google's web search blogs are covered too. Well, I hate to say that their view is not wrong but at the same time, I like to add that being listed in Google Blog Search can benefit you greatly too.
These days, having blog is a very common matter. First of all, blog is free and at the same time blogs in Blogger is free of advertisements too. Even you can add your own advertisements and earn money. There is no limitation of bandwidth and hardly any web designing skill is required. With the number of blogs increasing, the amount of content is increasing too everyday. Most of all, the number of visitors to blog is increasing and thus blog is becoming a serious market. Thus the importance of being listed in Google Blog Search is becoming more important.
The first place that a person should aim for getting enlisted in the " Related Blogs" area which is top. When you search a keyword then if there are blogs dedicated to that keyword then those blogs are shown in the top of the search. Thus if you search for "Asian Business" in Google's blog search then you can find my blog in the third position among " Related Blogs". Thus every time, someone searches for 'Asian Business' my blog is coming to them. This is surely a great blessing for any blog owner. It can result into bringing more traffic for the blog. May be asian business is not a very popular keyword but think of the matter that if your blog with a very popular theme like earning money or health and fitness can be enlisted in the "Related Blogs" place then it may really bring you hundreds of visitors every day.
Secondly, being enlisted in such a place is also the dream of any blog owner and it is very prestigious. This means that when you bargain with any company about advertisement you have surely got an edge. Just being in that list can ensure you get some extra dollar simply because the advertisers would surely prefer a blog which is considered by Google to be related to the keyword.
As for me, having my blog in the Google's "Related Blogs" simply means that I can show off to others and this given me an edge as far as freelance writing is considered. Not only that, I am taken seriously by many people as a serious blogger. However, being in the "Related Blogs" section needs some patient effort. For this, you need to post articles on a regular basis and of course the content should be original. Copy and paste approach will not take you far in the eyes of Google. Secondly, you must promote your website too. If you have good traffic then you stand in a better chance. These days so much is said about SEO (search engine optimization) techniques that most people forget the basic fact that only when you have good content then you can try for SEO- not before that.
Even if you cannot manage to get into the "Related Blogs" section there is still a chance that your blog will get high ranking in Blog Search. However, for that you must focus on a particular theme and focus on your keywords. Often, when I search about a particular topic in Google web search, I also search in Google's blog search. I do it simply because, in Google's blog search I can find many good articles which are not visible in the top 20-30 positions in Google's web search. If you focus on a particular keyword or a few keywords and write consistently on them then surely whenever someone searches about the keyword/s several of your posts may come in first three pages of the search results. This can give you more or less the same benefit like being in the "Related Blogs" section. Perhaps the best thing with blog search is that you can get listed in the "Related Blogs" section or your blog can come to the first position of a searching of a particular keyword and for it you do not have to spend any money. Thus without spending money your blog can have good visitors and you can have good earning potential.
(If you like this article please leave a comment and also visit my another blog on literature
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Battle intensifies among Yahoo, Google and MSN over video content
Until five years ago, most people even in the most developed countries could not imagine of downloading a movie by Internet because of the slow speed of their net. This has changed a lot in the last 5 years as broadband internet is becoming more and more common to various parts of the world. Broadband high speed internet is not only available now but also it is very cheap in many countries. So, the users are hungry for new contents and noting can be more attractive than videos. To catch this market Google, Yahoo and MSN have introduced video facilities for the users. Many kinds of videos are available. Not all the videos are free to download but still the collection of free download is huge. is the website of Google Video. It has hundreds of video files and to enjoy the video files a user needs a Google Video Player which can be downloaded from the website at free of charge. If a user does not have high speed internet connection then it will take a long time to download a small video file. One of the best advantages of Google Video is that any user can upload his/her own file and then sell it or give it for free. This option has made Google Video very attractive to everyone. Now everyone whose hobby is doing video can become a seller in this market. Google is the number one search engine and searching video with Google is really fun. In Google Video player there is an option for searching video which is really very powerful. Quality of video in Google Video is moderate mainly because this way Google can reach to maximum number of users. If they give only high quality video then the size of file will become too big and many users will not be able to enjoy this facility. One of the best features of Google Video is the diversity of the videos available for downloading. For example, there is one video file of 1896- more than 110 years old. This file is indeed one of the earliest moving images in the world. Another nice feature of Google Video player is that first it downloads the video totally and then shows it. This way, the users don’t feel annoyed as they can enjoy uninterrupted video.
MSN video is very popular since its beginning. There are two kinds of contents- basic contents and premium contents. Basic contents are free but premium contents need a yearly subscription $19.95/year. However, only users from the USA can enjoy premium content. MSN video needs a PC run by Windows XP operating system and Windows media player 10 or later version. A PC must have a minimum 64 MB of RAM but for good viewing 256 MB is appropriate. After downlading a video content, it can be transferred to five different devices (PCs, SmartPhones, PocketPCs and Portable Media Centers). One very interesting feature of MSN video is that when a user downloads a video he can decide that how long the file will be in the hard drive. So, if he decides to keep the video for 7 days then after 7 days the file will delete from the hard drive of the computer automatically.
Yahoo video search is a good search engine for video files. If a user wants to find a file then instantly Yahoo video search presents the video files available from internet. For example for a search with the word 'elephant' brought 4,790 video files. The advanced search option in Yahoo Video search is really very useful for the users. It gives a user a number of options such as format (AVI, MPEG etc) of a video file, size, duration etc. This feature makes it very easy for the users to find a video of their choice.
The battle for video file download and search is becoming a major battle and Yahoo, Google and MSN all are trying their best to capture this market. Google's approach to be the best as it allows any user to upload and sell their content. On the other hand, MSN has still the best market because of the fact that MSN has a strong hold on this market for many months. Secondly, MSN produces many quality videos daily through its many channels. On the other hand, MSN video works on Windows Media Player, This software is installed with Windows operating system and that is why viewers do not need to install a new software for enjoying MSN videos. With high speed internet becoming available and affordable in many parts of the world, this battle over video content is going to intensify. Now more websites are joining in this video battle. AOL has already announced their intention to get a good share of this market in near future. The more the battle intensifies, the users will be benefited as they can get more and more free contents.
(If you like my article please visit my another blog about literature
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 10, 2006
China's oil import from Africa
China's oil important of 2004 was a staggering 120 million tons of crude oil. What is so interesting is the fact that 22% of this import came from Africa. Now this is something to be surprised. Why Africa? Is not it a bit too far from China? The main reason is that Chinese economy needs more and more oil to keep its terrific growth rate intact. So, China is only diversifying its source of getting oil and Africa is a good option in this regard. Africa is an attractive source of oil because many countries in the continent are poor and they would be more than delighted to see Chinese investment in developing their oil fields. Since, many African countries are plagued by civil wars, many western oil companies are not very enthusiastic to go and work there. For both China and Africa this is a win-win situation.
The only concern is that political and social instability is a constant companion of many Africa countries. If China becomes heavily dependent on African oil and if any serious turmoil arises in the continent then Chinese economy may suffer. However, political instability is a feature of the Middle East too and nobody seems to mind for it as long as they get the oil in time.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Microsoft's Ultra-Mobile PC: All about Microsoft Origami
Microsoft has suddenly taken the center stage of technology world with its new product called Origami. Every major media of the world seems to be running after Origami now. All the news websites contain more than one article about Origami. It seems that Origami is the next big thing in the technology world is going to dominate the market in the next few months or may be years. Samsung and Intel are with Microsoft in making Origami. Origami is expected to address a new market for portable computers. It is neither a laptop nor a smart mobile phone or PDA but has can do many works for a user. In terms of size it is in the middle between a PDA and a notebook PC. The only shocking thing is that the device will not be called as Origami but as Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC) and most probably this name will gradually take place of the name, Origami.
Speculations were very high among the tech bloggers from around the world about Project Origami in the last few months. Although scare information was available until recently, every one expected Microsoft to produce something that would create a storm in the technology world.
Microsoft bosses hope that they have been able to address a new market with Origami since it is a unique device in terms of size, price and performance. It is so light that its weight is less than 2.5 pounds and it comes with a 7-inch touch-sensitive screen. Thus Origami is really portable. Microsoft officials are upbeat with their optimism that within a few years Origami computer (UPMC) will become indispensable like mobile phone. Perhaps the main reason behind their high expectations is the versatile nature of Origami computers. It runs on Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system and it can do many works including playing games, digital music, mobile communication, and surfing internet, checking and responding to emails and so on. In future, Origami computers will run on Windows Vista. Origami computers can support both Blue Tooth and Wi-Fi wireless technology. This also means that a user can use his keyboard with the help of wireless technology. They run on microprocessors built by Intel. The only thing that a user may miss is keyboard. However, it has USB 2 ports and thus adding an external keyboard is not a problem. 30 to 60 Gigabyte hard drive means a user can really use it like a regular PC too.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Taiwan's Asustek Computer Inc. and China's second largest PC-maker, the Founder Group, are the 3 companies who are going to produce the hardware of Origami computers (UMPC). All of them are serious players in the technology world and naturally they will try their best to make Origami computers popular in the market. Samsung's product (known as Q1) will hit the market in this May. However, the price of Q1 is going to high.
Who will be the main customers of Origami computers? Microsoft officials are hopeful that this device will attract everyone. Since it can do the works of a mobile phone, a personal computer, a notebook and a PDA handheld device, Microsoft bosses have the feeling that may be this is the ultimate portable device we all need. GPS, a webcam, fingerprint reader, digital TV tuners, and compact flash and SD card readers will be in many Origami computers (UMPC) in very near future. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Ethernet networks can be used to connect between Origami computers and wide-area networking is on the card too.
Many people think that project Origami is an effort to seriously challenge Apple's IPOD, the portable music player. iPOD has remained largely unchallenged since its birth as a portable device and many bloggers have speculated the emergence of Origami from Microsoft as a response to Apple's supremacy in the portable device market. However, Microsoft officials are in no mood to confirm this theory and surely they have a strong point. Origami is not just a music player like iPOD but lot more than that. Microsoft officials can also argue that many players have been trying to make an ultra thin and ultra light but very powerful portable computer but Microsoft could make the breakthrough. Since, Origami computers run with Windows XP operating system, it will be able to do many functions. This feature will also make the works of application developers easier.
The main problem with Origami computers is its high price. When Bill Gates first talked of the idea of an ultra light portable computer, most people got the perception that its price would be under US $500 but we already know that the price will be from US $600-1000. Such a high price may discourage many users. However, it is natural that any technology is expensive at first and later becomes cheaper. The same will happen for Origami computers too. Finally, Origami is not just a source of entertainment but also
Microsoft's bid to enter into the portable device market seriously will surely create pressure on other industry players. It is for sure that other major players both in the hardware and the software world will try to come out with something substantial to answer to Microsoft's challenge. If another company can address the price issue seriously then surely Microsoft and its partners will face serious challenge. On other hand, we are yet to get any reaction from the open source world about Microsoft's Origami computers. Are they thinking of their own version of UMPC?
Until a few years ago, the idea of an ultra thin computer was like a science fiction. Microsoft has successfully brought this idea into reality with its project Origami. We have heard in the recent years that the computers of tomorrow will be thin like paper and users will be able to fold them after using. Project Origami only reminds us that the researchers are not sitting idle to make this idea into reality.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 2:37 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
6 Strategies that will help you to make a Balance between your Career and Marriage
The art of making a balance between career and spouse is a problem that almost everyone faces in every country. Often, this problem torments a couple to the extreme point of getting divorce. In this article I am going to mention some strategies that may help you to make a balance between your career and your spouse. I know it will be very difficult to follow and implement all of them. Still, the more you will try the better result you will get. After all, it is very important to shine in both the fields- in the office and home.
Accept it as a Serious Problem
This is perhaps the major mistake that most people do. They do not try to discover the problem in the first place and even after their husband or wife draws their attention, they just ignore it. Two reasons are commonly behind such ignoring. Firstly, they may grudge in their heart or openly that whatever they are trying hard in their office it is only for their future and couple life. The second reason is related to the blame game. They may feel that if they accept the accusation of their spouse about neglecting couple life they will accept guilt and they will lose their honor. Refusing to accept it as a problem will only deepen the crisis further. Instead of pacifying the pain of the spouse it will only increase. So, whenever your husband or wife complains about it, the first thing you should do is to accept it as a problem even if you feel that you are 100% right. The worst thing you can do to endanger your marriage is to take this problem casually as it would only increase the grievance of your partner.
Talk about the problem
In the second step, try to talk about the problem. This can surely go a long way to pacify the tension in home because then your spouse will feel that you are giving importance to him/her. Try to explain your condition in office. At the same time, listen to his/her complains very carefully. It is a reality that not everyone is a good communicator. If you feel that you and your spouse are not very good in talking about a problem then you can go to a marriage counselor. However, it is very important to remember that you must be attentive and sincere to listen to what your spouse says.
Try to Find a Middle Ground
Finding a middle ground is very difficult but not impossible. Try to think of the ways that can help both of you to come to a satisfactory compromise. If possible talk to your office and get more time for your home. Weekends can be the best resource for this matter. If you have any habit of going to stadium or hanging out with your friends then leave them and try to give uninterrupted and undivided attention to your spouse in the weekends.
Do not try to buy out your spouse
Many men do this silly mistake of trying to buy out their wives with expensive gifts. A new car or a diamond necklace is always welcomed by 99% women but can never be an alternative to the love and attention of their husband. If you can really please your wife by giving expensive gifts instead of your love and dedication, you are perhaps among the unluckiest men in the world.
Do not get addicted to your career and money
There is a clear distinction between dedication and addiction to your career. Dedication in this case means doing your work honestly and sincerely. Addiction means focusing on the career totally at the expense of everything else. Money is perhaps the most important thing in life but all problems arise when we make it as the only important thing. Think of your first days with your spouse after marriage. Think of the things that can make your spouse happy and try to act that way.
Never Take Marriage as a Habit
We are always so eager to train ourselves in a way that we can adjust to the changing scenario and condition in our office. Every year, we are joining a seminar or participating in a new training course so that we can become more skilled workers. Why should you not do the same thing for your marriage? Like office, marriage needs everyday effort. When you are late in office everyone gets annoyed from you no matter what excuse you come up with for your delay. The same way, your spouse will get hurt if you neglect him/her. Like attending a seminar, every year take your spouse to a new place and have a time like your honeymoon. A marriage dies when the husband and the wife take it as a habit and take each other for granted.
There is no point in excelling in career at the expense of marriage. Following the above mentioned 6 strategies will help any person to make a balance between career and marriage. However, only reading is not enough- there must be a determined resolve to act.
Posted by Razib Ahmed at 9:03 AM 0 comments