On February 25, 2011, romantic Telugu movie, Prema Kavali, released in theatres. The movie introduces famous Telugu actor, Sai Kumar’s son, Aadi and Isha Chawla. The movie is directed by K Vijayabhaskar.
People are now searching for Prema Kavali songs on Internet. Here are some of the links where you can download the songs:
The music of the movie has been composed by Anup Rubens.
Srinivas (Aadi) loves Prema (Isha Chawla), the daughter of a police officer played by Nasser. Prema’s father is very strict. She was then blackmailed by Shafi who shows her a photograph showing Srinivas kissing her. Prema then decides to break up with Srinivas. Srinivas then decides to win her back.
As an actor, Aadi has a lot of potential. He has a good physique and superb dance moves, two essential qualities of a good hero. In addition, he has a very good body language and voice. On the otherhand, Isha Chawla shows lots of promise. She may be new but she did very well. The actress will be well received by the younger audience.
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