After the success of Dabangg, Bollywood bad boy, Salman Khan, is now gearing up for his upcoming movie My Love Story. The movie is the remake of hit Malayalam movie, Bodyguard and it will be directed by Salman Khan’s brother-in-law, Atul Agnihotri.
In order to prepare for his role, Salman Khan is required to have six packs. To get back in shape in short time, he abstained from alcohol for the past 22 days. He gained weight to play the character of a 45-year old police officer in Dabangg. After the success of Dabangg and Big Boss 4, Salman Khan is very much serious about his role in My Love Story.
A source stated “Yes, Salman loves to drink, but he has now become very conscious after the stupendous success of Dabangg and Bigg Boss 4….Abstaining from alcohol is not difficult for Salman. He has done this in the past. In fact every year, he goes off hard drinks during the holy month of Ramzan and Ganesh Chaturthi festival.”
Aside from alcohol Salman Khan is also staying way from all kinds of carbohydrates.
With two hit movies in two years, Salman Khan is now under pressure but his not worried. He said that he does not feel the pressure and does not want anyone including the actors, producer or director to feel any pressure. If a film has everything that people look for in an entertaining movie then it would work.
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