Anushkha Sharma’s upcoming movie, Patiala House, will release in February 11, 2011. In the movie, she worked with Rishi Kapoor for the first time. Although she worked with Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan, while working with Rishi Kapoor, she felt very nervous.
A reliable source said, "When she was to shoot her first scene with Mr. Kapoor, she was found trembling."
However, Rishi Kapoor broke the ice and started to talk with her and shared his acting experience which made the actress very comfortable.
The movie Patiala House is the first movie of Anushka Sharma after finishing her three-movie contract with Yash Chopra films. Along with Anushka Sharma, Rishi Kapoor starred in the movie.
Patiala House tells the story of a Punjabi family based in Southall, London. Rishi Kapoor plays the role of patriarch of the family. Though he is a Punjabi and speaks Punjabi language at his home, Rishi Kapoor wanted to make sure he speaks authentic Punjabi language with all the nuances. So he went to his aunts and learnt authentic Punjabi language.
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