The story of Kannada film actor Raghuveer was even more dramatic than any cinema because the other day he was arrested for running a prostitution racket. This is a big and serious accusation and in this matter, he and another 14 persons were arrested. The actor Raghuveer has strongly denied about this matter and said that some other people will jealous of his professional achievement and that is why they made a conspiracy.
Not too many websites have covered this news and that is why it is not clear what actually has happened. So, we will have to wait for another few days to get the clear picture. Kannada film actor Raghuveer started doing movie in 1990 and he has been in the film industry for nearly 20 years. If the accusation is true against him then it is really very sad matter because a film actor should be a role model and not a bad person who would run a prostitute gang.
If you are a fan of this actor and if you have any additional information then I would request you to say something in the comment section below. This news has caught the attention of many people and that is why many people are now searching in Google trends right now.
Kannada film actor Raghuveer is somewhat a famous actor and many people from Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai are searching about him right now.
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