Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Good time for Toyota

You know that Toyota is in a bitter rivalry with General Motors over the number one spot in world car market. The bad news for GM is that it is not making a lot of profit these days and it really needs to cut back on cost. It seems that the time has come for Toyota to drive faster and even be more ahead of general motors. November, 2007 has finished four days ago and now the number of and our sales are out. It seems that Japanese carmakers are now very lucky in the American market. In fact, while American companies are suffering from various problems, the major Japanese carmakers Honda, Toyota, and Nissan had seen some spectacular growth in the U.S. market.

This Japanese companies are optimistic about the U.S. market because perhaps that they are growing consistently for quite some time. You know that Toyota is the biggest names in a Japanese car industry and that’s why observers in America should keep a close eye on the programs of this company.

Why do think that Japanese companies are so successful these days? I think that they have understood to make the best out of Asia and America.

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Honda, Toyota and Nissan have a record November