Tuesday, May 23, 2006

TEAM UNICEF and FIFA to play for children and peace

We all dream that superstars from different countries could play in one team instead of fighting with each other. Well that is going to come true soon.
Dear readers, what are you thinking? No, I am not making any story or I am not daydreaming and for sure, I am not joking with you. Believe me; a team titled "Team UNICEF" will play in the next world cup where 15 players from 15 different countries will play within a team. However, they will not play in the field rather they will play for the well being of children of the world and for the promotion of peace.

FIFA and UNICEF, have jointly launched a campaign with the slogan of "Unite for children, unite for peace." The goal of this campaign is to promote football as a tool of helping the children. We all, love football and if something is done in the name of football the children will love it and the adults too.

In this regard, UNICEF Executive Director Ann Veneman said, "whether they are playing on busy streets, in crowded refugee camps or amidst the chaos of conflict, children find joy through sport. But sport is more than just a game -- it is also one of the best ways for children to learn teamwork, tolerance and the value of play." He also added, "UNICEF and FIFA share a common commitment to transforming young athletes into upstanding citizens."

The activities of this campaign include public service announcement (PSA) on UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham and other 14 menbers of the TEAM UNICEF, a website, 11 case studies of children throughout the world with video profile of some children who have benefited from Football.

FIFA president Seep Blatter said that "FIFA is pleased to be working with UNICEF to carry the message that sport - and particularly football - is a peace-building exercise and the core of childhood, and one that can contribute to making the world a better place,"

Often, we hear about the lavish life style of and record breaking salaries of football players. So, naturally, this news is welcome break for us.
What do you think about it?
