Monday, May 01, 2006

The present condition of Japanese Population: Too many adult people, too few children

(By S M Mehdi Hassan)

Yesterday I posted on Japan’s toy for adult people. After reading about it I got a little more interested to know about the toy industry of Japan, Japan population, and Japanese women. After browsing the net for three hours I found out different things about Japan. During the Second World War Japan lost a huge number of young people, also after the war the birth rate of Japan has started to decline. As more and more women are getting educated and independent they are losing interest in marriage. According to an article published in ‘Finance and Development’ a quarterly magazine, of IMF there are three factors that are related to this lower marriage rate: lowering gap between the salary of male and female workers, difficulty to balance between work and taking care of the family and a very good social security system. Japan today is known as one of the most developed countries of the world but pretty soon it will be facing a serious crisis of work force.
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You can also find important statistics in this pdf document