Rumors about Kareena Kapoor- Saif Ali Khan’s marriage are doing the rounds on web. It was reported that the Bollywood’s real life couple are going to get married this year in March after the release of Saif Ali Khan's home production ‘Agent Vinod’.
However, the Bollywood diva has denied this rumor and said she and her boyfriend has no plan about the wedding, especially in March. The question is that when will tie the knot.
She is the most talked of the topic in B-town for her two upcoming movies- Agent Vinod and Heroine. She has done an item number in Agent Vinod where she appeared as a Desi mujra for the first time in her Bollywood career.
She has acted in a totally different role compared to other roles that she played in her earlier films. For the demand of her role, she had tone up a lot of look like a spy.
She is now interested to do a romantic film with Saif Ali Khan and is expecting someone who will come up with a nice scrip for them.
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