Price starting from Rs. 26,490, HTC 7 Mozart smartphone will be available across India. Recently, the much-awaited Windows Phone 7 based handset has been launched in the Indian market and now in it available in many shops. Made by HTC, HTC 7 Mozart smartphone is going to be anther Windows Phone 7 based handset after the HTC HD7 launched in India.
HTC 7 Mozart is a smartphone which runs on Windows Phone 7 operating system. It comes with 3.7-inch S-LCD touch screen display with a resolution of 800x480 pixels and pinch-to-zoom feature.
The most attractive feature of this handset is perhaps the 8 megapixel auto focus camera with Xenon flash. It can be used to record 720p HD video.
Besides that, the phone users will get some high-end features like Snapdragon Processor QSD 8250 1 GHz CPU, FM Radio, MP3 music player etc. It has the capacity of 8GB of internal storage.
The other features are 3.5 mm audio jack, internal GPS antenna, microUSB and 1300 mAh battery.
Its multimedia features include Dolby Mobile and SRS surround sound, multi format music player, video player, picture hub, and music and video hub powered by Zune.
The HCT 7 Mozart has the facility to use Internet features like Google, Facebook, Windows Live, Yahoo, Zune, Hotmail and XBOX Live.
It has all types of connectivity features including Bluetooth, GPRS, 3G, Wi-Fi, EDGE and USB port.
The HTC 7 Mozart comes with a special offer for the Tata Docomo users. Now, HTC 7 Mozart smartphone users will get the world class 3G services from Tata DOCOMO, which became the first private sector telecom company to launch 3G service in India on 5th November 2010.
In India where most people are fond of low-end feature phones there it will be very difficult for smartphones like HTC 7 Mozart to get the publicity and attract the people.
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