STAR Ananda and STAR Majha are two popular news channels located in two different countries in India. These two channels have been gearing up for the major religious festival- Durga Puja and Ganpati Puja. They have launched two religious programs named “Sharad Ananda” and ‘Bappa Majha’.
Durga Puja is the most popular religious festival among Bengali while Ganpati Puja is widely celebrated in Maharashtra.
STAR Ananda is a 24-hour Bengali language cable and news channel owned by the STAR TV. It is headquartered in Kolkata, India. “Sharad Ananda” is one of top programs of STAR Ananda. Millions of Bengali people celebrate is successfully every year. It has been divided into different segments like Superstar Bonam Megastar, Pujor Gaan, Pujor Fashion, Pujor Bonus, Pujor Adda, Flat Barir Puja. These segments involve all the happenings during Puja like Devotional Songs, Fashion, Food, Pandals contest.
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