Saturday, March 07, 2009

Economic Recession in Japan: What about the Jobs?

The economic condition in Japan is going from bad to worse. All the indicators of economy just indicate one thing: things are very bad and there is no hope of coming of good time soon. We hear bad news about companies almost on a daily basis. For most people living outside of job done, this bad news are just some more headlines about the ongoing global economic recession but for people of Japan, this is indeed a matter of being employed are unemployed.

There is perhaps one thing that we should not forget and that is most people in the upon considered a matter of job security much more importantly than people of the United States. Many of them have the tradition of doing just one job for their whole life that means They enter into a company in a young age and continue to work there until they retire in old age. This is not uncommon and many people do it. So, it has caused a lot of anxiety and tension among the people and I feel that the companies and the government are not addressing the issue adequately.


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