Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ivory Coast: Football is the great Healer

(Written by Biplob Kishore Deb)
I have heard that United Nations sometimes send their soldiers to those countries where war is a part and parcel of their daily lives. In some cases UN also sends celebrity persons to try for peace. In Ivory Coast football is going to take the place of the soldiers and celebrity persons in bringing peace. How?

This African country got the ticket of the world cup football for the first time and it is like a dream come true for the people of Ivory Coast. The country has been plagued with civil war like many other African countries. Regional conflict and bitterness among people belonging to two different regions have cost many lives in the last few years.

But in the final match of African Nations Cup where Ivorian lost against host Egypt, the leaders of the both sides came together in one point being inspired by patriotism to support their country and also rallied around the streets.

Now many Ivorians are hopeful that an environment will be created while their players will be playing together in Germany. Though they were grouped in a hard group where other three teams are; Argentina, Netherlands and Serbia- Montenegro, people of Ivory Coast are united behind their national football team.

Can you imagine that being a mean of entertainment, how football is working to unite the people of Ivory Coast?
If you want to know more please visit the link:,,2-11-1447_1927564,00.html