Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Two Blogs I liked

As a professional blogger, every day, I browse a lot in the blogosphere. Most of the time, I get bored by see that there are more spammers than bloggers. In fact, most of the links covered by Technorati are nothing but spam. So, when I see a nice blog, I get happy.
I found two blogs today. Recipe Source Online and Bad Credit Advice and then I discovered from the profile of the blogger that Add A Little Zing is nice blog too. In Recipe Source Online, you can find recipes of some interesting food items. What I like about this blog is not the recipes (I mean in Internet you can find thousands of places that contain many recipes) but the way they have been written. The writer writes in a humorous way. Bad Credit Advice is useful for those who are suffering from this problem and for those who are not suffering. Add A Little Zing contains valuable tips for those people like me who are trying to be successful in the net.
So, pay a visit to them.